They Did the Math
Contrary to what some people think (earlier discussed here), the relatively-poor branch of the Republican Party did the math. A liberal-backed program in New Jersey (a currently-Democratic state), has been acting as an inverse Robin Hood:
I think they did the math and object to their money going to people richer than they are.The usual liberal precincts claim to be enraged. Governor Corzine declared that New Jersey would unilaterally disregard the HHS rules and "vigorously continue" to enroll at 350% of poverty -- the highest ceiling in the country. And he'd do so even though about 119,000 New Jersey children under 200% of the poverty line remain uninsured -- and although the state spends 43% of its yearly Schip grant insuring adults.
For several years the number of uninsured New Jersey children under 200% has held steady, while New Jersey's Schip rolls have grown by about 10% a year. One major reason is that the state continues to enroll families with incomes up to $72,275.
I'm reminded of Dennis Moore on Monty Python: “This distribution of wealth thing is harder than I thought…”
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