Another Self-Induced Lobotomy
A larval journalist is whining about having to learn something (seen via Orac):
What kind of journalism will she write? Will she try to pick up the information needed from people equally ignorant? If there is a danger from an asteroid strike, will she figure that it's a steroid strike and write about the dangers of steroid use? If there's a terrorist attack in Tbilisi, Georgia, will she realize that it's not near Atlanta? If it's compared to the Gunpowder Plot, will she think the NRA was involved?I remember complaining about how I'd never use knowledge I gained in the classroom in real life. I regretted all the time I devoted to school because, in the end, I didn't remember the algebraic equations, historical dates, or the periodic table.
A problem exists within the high-school education system: It doesn't prepare students for their careers. When I decided in high school that my major was going to be journalism, I took the only class offered by my school in hopes of learning the journalistic writing style. I didn't learn anything from that class. My teacher was not a journalism teacher; she was an English teacher. We spent every class silent reading instead of learning about the inverted pyramid.
It's wonderful that, here in America, we can find gainful employment for the illiterate, the innumerate, and the feebleminded.
It's regrettable that we employ them in critical professions like journalism.
... Oh, and I take issue with "larval." She's obviously in the pupal stage -- wrapped up in her own coccoon.
Amazing, isnt it, that people who really dont know anything aspire to positions where they can inform the rest of us of our ignorance.
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