Fake Suicide Bombs?
There's reason to believe the London bombers were not intending to be suicide bombers. That actually makes sense. Suicide bombing is an essential part of the Enemy's strategy. It's needed to convince us that deterrence won't work. (Deterrence played an important role in defeating the Soviet Union and they don't want a repeat.) Since it's harder to recruit real suicide bombers than the propaganda would indicate, they had to make do with fake ones.
This fits with the Other Side's tactics on other occasions. During Gulf War II, the Iraqi government used fake tanks and planes. The evidence that appeared to indicate Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was a fake intended to deter attack. The current insurgency looks like fake outraged citizens repelling an invasion. Palestine can be best described as a fake nation.
I've seen a frequent claim by my fellow wingnuts that falsification is a common part of Islamic tactics so we should beware of their attempts to appear harmless. I'm more impressed by their false attempts to appear dangerous.
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