The Bright Side of the Kelo Decision
… is the shear breadth of the opposition. Other outrages produced more opposition on one side of the political spectrum than the other. The Kelo decision makes it possible for all of us to put aside our petty personal differences and get together to tar and feather the Supreme Court (or at least five justices).
By the way, how would we word a Constitutional Amendment to reverse this decision? Would it read: “When we say ‘public use,’ we really really mean it!”?
No Constitutional amendment would be effective. Indeed, no Constitutional amendment would be relevant.
As the last line of defense for the Constitution and its constraints on government, the job is now in the hands of the citizenry -- the armed citizenry. The assenting Justices have completely forsworn their oaths of office, and should be tarred, feathered, and ridden out of the country on a rail at the least.
Surely we have enough guns among us to do the job.
Impeachment should be the first step. Judges are the ultimate authority on the Constitution, when they defy it directly we must remove them quickly. An alternate would be a amendment that spells out their ruling and expires with their terms.
Ammendment nn: Goverment shall have the authoirity to seize property arbitrarily until judges x,y and z retire.
There is an alternative you all seem to be overlooking:
Promptly vote out of office any politician who misuses eminent domain.
The Court is not the only protector of the Constitution. Other elected officials take an oath of office as well. They have a duty to protect the Constitution when the Court fails to.
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