Tuesday, October 17, 2023

An Assortment of Comments on the Latest Israel–Hamas War

One possible way to fight global warming is the increased use of desert solar energy. So… If the Gaza Strip were replaced by solar panels and the population deported to Iran, they could use the solar energy to power Iran and they wouldn't need a nuclear reactor.

Otherwise, Iran would need the nuclear reactor to be independent of OPEC.

I doubt if the students signing pro-Hamas petitions at Ivy-League universities will be running the Fortune 500 a few decades from now. By that time, the corporations will be run by the Asian kids kept out of the Ivy League.

I believe that, in general, people have the right to:

  1. cross borders;
  2. carry weapons;
  3. gather in large groups.
Doing all 3 at once, on the other hand, might be worth banning.

If “The Camp of the Saints” had taken place in the real world, Muslim immigration would be less worrisome with a few million more Hindus around.

The standard defenses of free speech (the solution to bad speech is more speech) and the right to keep and bear arms also apply to open borders.

Is Israel an example of apartheid? Of course it is. Just look at how Middle-Eastern Jews are confined to just one Bantustan!

Colonialism is immigration that self-congratulatory people dislike.

They were expelled from their land and forced into a small remnant by adherents of a European ideology foreign to the area. Some them still dream of regaining the whole.

Even despite all that, Taiwan still shouldn't kidnap hostages from the mainland.

I suspect many of the people who got in trouble for supporting Hamas thought they would get in trouble for not doing so.

I recall hearing Rush Limbaugh say: “Every university should have two communists on its staff so we never forget what those people were like.”

This may apply to other cases of academic freedom.

“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”–-Michael Corleone

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